Karl-Ludwig Wetzig


Mother tongue


Translates from

Finland Swedish

Translates to


Other language skills

Danish, English, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish


Academic degree

MA, University Bonn, 1986 (Diaryform in fiction)

Additional subject-specific studies

5 years interdisciplinary research projects in the field of literary translations, University Göttingen ("Sonderforschungsbereich 309"), 1986-1991


Interests and specialisation

Fiction, Prose, Poetry, Drama, Literature for children and young people, Non-fiction, Archeology, Art history, History, Literature

List of translations

Eis. mare, 2014. Original title: Is by Ulla-Lena Lundberg. Genre: Prose.

Brändövägen 8, Brändö, Tel.35. Verbrecher Verlag, 2014. Original title: Brändövägen 8, Brändö, Tel.35 by Henrik Tikkanen. Genre: Prose.

Septembernovelle. mare, 2014. Original title: Seglats i september by Johan Bargum. Genre: Prose.

Nachsommer. mare, 2018. Original title: Sensommar by Johan Bargum. Genre: Prose.

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Updated: 1.12.2022