Laura Pascual Anton


Mother tongue


Translates from

Finnish, Finland Swedish

Translates to


Other language skills

English, French, German, Irish, Swedish


Academic degree

Master's Degree in Translation and Interpreting, Autonomous University of Madrid, 2008 (Translation English/German-Spanish. Finnish language and culture.)
Master's Degree in Spanish Language, Autonomous University of Madrid, 2011 (Spanish language)
Gastronomic, Oenologic and Turistic Translation, AulaSIC (online), 2020 (English-Spanish translation for the fields of food and tourism)

Additional subject-specific studies

Translation of comics and graphic novels, ATRAE (Spain, online), 2024

Swedish literature translation workshop, CI Antonio Machado (Spain, online), 2023

Non-fiction literature translation workshop, FILI (Finland), 2019, 2021 & 2023

Translation of fantasy, science fiction and horror, AulaSIC (Spain, online), 2022

Translation of literature for children and young people, AulaSIC (Spain, online), 2022

Finnish literature for children and young people, FILI (Finland), 2018 & 2021

Drama translation workshop, TINFO (Finland), 2021

Translation of crime novel, AulaSIC (Spain, online), 2021

Wine industry translation workshop, CI Antonio Machado (Spain, online), 2021

Translation of romantic and erotic literature, AulaSIC (Spain, online), 2021

Translation of theatre, Trágora Formación (University of Granada, online), 2021

Finland Swedish literature translation, FILI (Finland), 2018

Seminar on Finnish language and literature for post-graduate students and researchers, Opetushallitus (Finland), 2018

Swedish culture and literature, Malungs Folkhögskola (Sweden), 2015

Seminar on Finnish language and culture for post-graduate students and researchers, CIMO (Finland), 2014

Finnish literature translation, FILI/Finnish Cultural Institute (Spain), 2013-2014

Professional reading and report writing for publishing houses, (online), 2011

Finnish literature, University of Jyväskylä (online), 2009


Interests and specialisation

Fiction, Prose, Drama, Literature for children and young people, Comics, Crime/detective, Fantasy & science fiction, Non-fiction, Geography, History, Language, Literature, Music, Pedagogy and education, Photography and movies, Sociology, Theatre and dance

List of translations

Hummus. Col&Col, 2025. Original title: Hummus by Malin & Nimron Regev. Genre: Non-fiction. ISBN: 978-8419483645

Garbage can-can: Deshacer, reciclar y tejer. Gustavo Gilí, 2025. Original title: Garbage can-can - Pura, kierrätä ja virkkaa by Molla Mills. Genre: Non-fiction. ISBN: 978-8425235580

Sushi. Col&Col, 2024. Original title: Nordisk sushi by Frida Ronge. Genre: Non-fiction. ISBN: 978-8419483621

En el centro del círculo. RBA, 2024. Original title: I cirkelns mitt by Arne Dahl. Genre: Prose. ISBN: 978-8411327619

Dos veces en el mismo río: La guerra de Putin contra las mujeres. Salamandra, 2024. Original title: Samaan virtaan – Putinin sota naisia vastaan by Sofi Oksanen. Genre: Non-fiction. ISBN: 978-8419851406

Asado. Parrillada argentina. Col&Col, 2023. Original title: Asado : argentinsk grillning by Florencia Abella. Genre: Non-fiction. ISBN: 978-8419483300

Bolla. Alianza, 2023. Original title: Bolla by Pajtim Statovci. Genre: Prose. ISBN: 978-8411483032

En un confín del mundo. RBA, 2023. Original title: Pikku Siperia by Antti Tuomainen. Genre: Prose. ISBN: 978-8411320436

Parásitos sin fin. Ediciones Paidós, 2023. Original title: Loputtomat loiset by Tuomas Aivelo. Genre: Non-fiction. ISBN: 978-8449340307

El parque de los perros. Salamandra, 2022. Original title: Koirapuisto by Sofi Oksanen. Genre: Prose. ISBN: ‎ 978-8418681035

El corazón de Tirana. Alianza Editorial, 2021. Original title: Tiranan sydän by Pajtim Statovci. Genre: Prose. ISBN: 978-8413624990

Norma. Salamandra, 2020. Original title: Norma by Sofi Oksanen. Genre: Prose. ISBN: 978-8418107023

Mi gato Yugoslavia. Alianza Editorial, 2020. Original title: Kissani Jugoslavia by Pajtim Statovci. Genre: Prose. ISBN: 978-8491818717

¡Qué clima tan raro!. Editorial Astronave, 2020. Original title: Ihme ilmat! – Miksi ilmasto muuttuu by Laura Ertimo, Mari Ahokoivu. Genre: Non-fiction. ISBN: 978-8467941692

El pequeño libro de la mala leche. Plaza & Janés, 2019. Original title: Pieni pahan mielen kirja by Lotta Sonninen. Genre: Non-fiction. ISBN: 978-8401023323

Crochet In & Out. Gustavo Gilí, 2019. Original title: Virkkurin kuosikirja by Molla Mills. Genre: Non-fiction. ISBN: 978-8425231940

Adana. El Desvelo, 2019. Original title: Käyttämättömät tunteet by Rax Rinnekangas. Genre: Prose. ISBN: 978-8494939587

Viuda, al fin. Suma de Letras, 2019. Original title: Vihainen leski by Minna Lindgren. Genre: Prose. ISBN: 978-8491292937

Monster Nanny: Una niñera muy especial. La Galera, 2016. Original title: Mörkövahti by Tuutikki Tolonen. Genre: Literature for children and young people. ISBN: 978-8424656898

La clase de conducir. Babelcube, 2015. Original title: The driving lesson by Ben Rehder. Genre: Literature for children and young people. ISBN: 978-1507109007

I will be pleased to write reader’s reports.

Sample translations

Updated: 4.3.2025