Karolina Wojciechowska


Mother tongue


Translates from


Translates to


Other language skills

English, French


Academic degree

MA, University of Warsaw, 2018 (Finnish Language and Culture)
BA, University of Warsaw, 2014 (Finnish Language and Culture)

Additional subject-specific studies

Literature summer course, CIMO, Turku 2016
Summer course for beginner literary translators, FILI and OPH, Helsinki 2017
FILI mentorship programme 2018-2019


Interests and specialisation

Fiction, Prose, Poetry, Drama, Literature for children and young people, Comics, Crime/detective, Fantasy & science fiction, Non-fiction, Anthropology, Architecture, Art, Art history, Literature, Music, Photography and movies, Psychology, Sociology, Theatre and dance

List of translations

Rósa i Björk. Harper Collins Polska, 2025. Original title: Rósa & Björk by Satu Rämö. Genre: Prose.

Hildur. Harper Collins Polska, 2024. Original title: Hildur by Satu Rämö. Genre: Prose.

Las powieszonych lisów. Książkowe klimaty, 2024. Original title: Hirtettyjen kettujen metsä by Arto Paasilinna. Genre: Prose.

Śnieg. Wielka Litera, 2023. Original title: Lumisade by Tiina Raevaara. Genre: Prose. Short story, published in the anthology "Mistrzowie opowieści. Skandynawska zima"

Dziwna i uparta wytrwałość. SeeYA, 2023. Original title: A Strange and Stubborn Endurance by Foz Meadows. Genre: Prose. Translated from English

Never Been Kissed. SeeYA, 2023. Original title: Never Been Kissed by Timothy Janovsky. Genre: Prose. Translated from English

W sieci zła. Sonia Draga, 2022. Original title: Pahan verkko by Max Seeck. Genre: Prose.

Now translating

Eeva-Liisa Manner, Kävelymusiikkia pienille virtahevoille; JP Ahonen, Perkeros

I will be pleased to write reader’s reports.

Sample translations

Updated: 14.1.2025