Rosario Fina


Mother tongue


Translates from


Translates to


Other language skills

English, Spanish


Academic degree

Filologia e storia dell'Europa orientale; indirizzo comparatistico, University of Naples "L'Orientale", 2003 (Finnish language and literature and Anglo-american studies)

Additional subject-specific studies

I have studied also Swedish and Italian literature, history of religions and both germanistic and fennougristic studies. I have two master in pedagogy from both university of Venice and Tampere.

I am interested in folklore, cultural history and antrophology. My Master thesis was about witchcraft in Finland, a subject that still fascinates me.

I have been participating in various courses organized By CIMO and FILI.

I have been freelance translator of legal text (regulations, laws, etc.) for the EU-


Interests and specialisation

Fiction, Prose, Poetry, Drama, Literature for children and young people, Comics, Crime/detective, Fantasy & science fiction, Non-fiction, Anthropology, Art, Art history, Communications, Economics, Geography, History, Industrial art, Language, Law, Literature, Music, Pedagogy and education, Philosophy, Photography and movies, Political science, Psychology, Religion, Social policy, Sociology, Theatre and dance

List of translations

Dolcemorte. Fazi editore, 2007. Original title: Unelmakuolema by Leena Krohn. Genre: Prose.

Miracolo in una notte d'inverno. Feltrinelli, 2012. Original title: Joulutarina by Marko Leino. Genre: Literature for children and young people.

La stanza di ferro. Elliot, 2013. Original title: Harjunpää ja rautahuone by Matti Joensuu. Genre: Prose.

Colibrì. Atmosphere libri, 2015. Original title: Kolibri by Katri Hiekkapelto. Genre: Prose.

Updated: 22.3.2018