Contact info
- Residence
- Mother tongue
- Translates from
- Translates to
- Other language skills
English, Spanish
- Academic degree
Filologia e storia dell'Europa orientale; indirizzo comparatistico, University of Naples "L'Orientale", 2003 (Finnish language and literature and Anglo-american studies)
- Additional subject-specific studies
I have studied also Swedish and Italian literature, history of religions and both germanistic and fennougristic studies. I have two master in pedagogy from both university of Venice and Tampere.
I am interested in folklore, cultural history and antrophology. My Master thesis was about witchcraft in Finland, a subject that still fascinates me.
I have been participating in various courses organized By CIMO and FILI.
I have been freelance translator of legal text (regulations, laws, etc.) for the EU-
- Interests and specialisation
Fiction, Prose, Poetry, Drama, Literature for children and young people, Comics, Crime/detective, Fantasy & science fiction, Non-fiction, Anthropology, Art, Art history, Communications, Economics, Geography, History, Industrial art, Language, Law, Literature, Music, Pedagogy and education, Philosophy, Photography and movies, Political science, Psychology, Religion, Social policy, Sociology, Theatre and dance
- List of translations
Dolcemorte. Fazi editore, 2007. Original title: Unelmakuolema by Leena Krohn. Genre: Prose.
Miracolo in una notte d'inverno. Feltrinelli, 2012. Original title: Joulutarina by Marko Leino. Genre: Literature for children and young people.
La stanza di ferro. Elliot, 2013. Original title: Harjunpää ja rautahuone by Matti Joensuu. Genre: Prose.
Colibrì. Atmosphere libri, 2015. Original title: Kolibri by Katri Hiekkapelto. Genre: Prose.