Giulia Santelli


Mother tongue


Translates from


Translates to


Other language skills

English, French, German


Academic degree

-Master's degree in Modern, compared and post-colonial literatures, University of Bologna, 2019 (Finnish literature, Finno-ugric philology, German literature, German philology)
-Bachelor's Degree in Linguistic and intercultural mediation, University for foreigners of Siena, 2016 (Intercultural mediation, English, German, Arts, History)
Master II ELIIAS, Università per stranieri di Siena, 2024 (Teaching italian online)

Additional subject-specific studies

-2023:Fellowship-seminar, FILI, Helsinki
-2022: Translating the comics Part II, FILI, Helsinki
-2022: Translating children's books and YA literature, FILI, Helsinki
-2022: Fellowship-seminar, FILI, Helsinki
-2022: Proofreading, online, Langue&Parole
-2022: Scouting, online, Langue&Parole
-2021: Translating the comics, FILI, Helsinki
-2021 Fellowship-seminar, FILI, Helsinki
-2019: Summer language and translation course, CIMO, Tampere


Interests and specialisation

Fiction, Prose, Drama, Literature for children and young people, Comics, Crime/detective, Fantasy & science fiction, Non-fiction, Anthropology, Art, History, Literature, Theatre and dance

List of translations

Kalevala. L’epopea nazionale finlandese. Edizioni Effigi, 2021. Original title: Kalevala by Marko Raassina. Genre: Comics.

Ombra e luce. Uusinta Publishing Company Ltd, 2022. Original title: Varjo ja valo by Rene Ertomaa, A.W. Yrjänä. Genre: Poetry. Suite for baritone, tenor and piano

Mino piccolo topo. Sinnos, 2022. Original title: Pikku hiiri tuuliviiri by Riikka Jäntti. Genre: Children’s picture books.

Mino piccolo topo ha un ospite. Sinnos, 2022. Original title: Pikku hiiri saa vieraan by Riikka Jäntti. Genre: Children’s picture books.

Radio Popov. Salani, 2024. Original title: Radio Popov by Anja Portin. Ill. Miila Westin. Genre: Literature for children and young people. translation by Giulia Santelli - Irene Sorrentino

La buonanotte del bosco. DeAgostini, 2024. Original title: Mur ja metsän ilta by Kaisa Happonen. Ill. Anne Vasko. Genre: Children’s picture books.

La pianta magica. AnimaMundi Edizioni, . Original title: Taikurinkukka by Marika Maijala. Genre: Children’s picture books. Coming in 2025

Il risveglio del bosco. DeAgostini, . Original title: Mur ja metsän valo by Kaisa Happonen. Ill. Anne Vasko. Genre: Children’s picture books. Coming soon

Now translating

Elina Backman- Ennen kuin tulee pimeää; Mari Ahokoivu-Oksi

I will be pleased to write reader’s reports.

Sample translations

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Updated: 3.3.2025