Nóra Ugron


Mother tongue


Translates from


Translates to


Other language skills

English, Romanian, Spanish


Academic degree

Bachelor's degree, Babes-Bolyai University, 2013-2016 (Hungarian language and literature & Finnish language and literature)

Additional subject-specific studies

Beginning translators' course, organized by the Finnish National Agency for Education (formerly
CIMO) and the Finnish Literature Exchange - FILI, Helsinki, 21/8-31/8/2017

CIMO's summer course on contemporary Finnish Literature (66 hours, 10 ECTS), University of Turku,
12/7-29/7/2016, level B2

CIMO's summer course on Finnish language and culture IIA (270 hours, 10 ECTS), University of
Turku, 15/7-5/8/2014, level A2-B1


Interests and specialisation

Fiction, Prose, Poetry, Drama, Literature for children and young people, Comics, Fantasy & science fiction, Non-fiction, Language, Literature, Philosophy, Theatre and dance

List of translations

Az az igazi, eredeti bevándorlóblues. "A szem" Magazine, 2017. Original title: Se oikea, aito maahanmuuttajablues by Alexandra Salmela. Genre: Prose. http://aszem.info/2017/06/alexandra-salmela-az-az-igazi-eredeti-bevand

Uppdaterad: 9.3.2018