Jose Luis Carillo


Mother tongue


Translates from


Translates to

English, Spanish

Other language skills

French, German


Academic degree

Master's Degree in Comparative Literature, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2016 (Comparative Literature (20th Century French and English Poetry))
M.F.A. in Creative Writing in Spanish, New York University, 2018 (Poetry Theory and Writing, Literary Translation, Comp. Lit. Methodolog)

Additional subject-specific studies

2012, Mexico City . “VII Seminario de Jóvenes Traductores Latinoamericanos.” Grant to participate in a seminar directed to young Latin-American translators, sponsored by the French Embassy and the IFAL in Mexico City. The seminar, whose goal was to enhance the young translators’ theoretical and practical prowess, included several courses on the history of the French language, the history of translation, translation theory and several workshops.


Interests and specialisation

Fiction, Prose, Poetry, Drama

List of translations

Lake Texcoco: Encyclopedia of Things Living and Dead. Pitzilein Books, 2019. Original title: Enciclopedia de las cosas vivas y muertas: el Lago de Texcoco by Adriana Salazar. Genre: Non-fiction.

Finnish Poetry Section in the anthology Saaristo. Arabian-, suomen-, espanjan- ja venäjänkielisen nykyrunouden verkkoantologia . Sivuvalo , 2023. Original title: Finnish Poetry Selection curated by Sini Silveri by Juha Rautio, Pauliina Haasjoki, Maria Matinmikko, Miko Väänänen, Reetta Pekkanen, Raisa Marjamäki, Taneli Viljanen, Erkka Filander, Hanna Storm, Anna Tomi. Genre: Poetry.

Disco de titanes. Pitzilien Books, 2022. Original title: Titaanidisko by Sini Silveri. Genre: Poetry.

Five poems by Kati Neuvonen. /, 2020. Original title: Five poems by Kati Neuvonen, translated into English by Kati Neuvonen. Genre: Poetry.

Tres poemas en español., 2020. Original title: Selection of three poems from Titaanidisko by Sini Silveri. Genre: Poetry.

Three Poems in English by Sini Silveri., 2020. Original title: Selection of three poems by Sini Silveri. Genre: Poetry.

The Headwaters of Nirvana. What Books Press, 2018. Original title: The Headwaters of Nirvana by Bill Mohr. Genre: Poetry.

Carta a los actores. Theater piece staged by French Director Sébastien Lange in Mexico, 2017. Original title: Lettre aux acteurs by Valère Novarina. Genre: Drama.

La última batida. Theater piece staged by French Director Sébastien Lange in Mexico, 2017. Original title: "La Dernière battue" by Magali Mougel. Genre: Drama.

Tristes campos de asfódelos. Theater piece staged by French Director Sébastien Lange in Mexico, 2017. Original title: “Les tristes champs d’asphodèles” by Patrick Kermann. Genre: Drama.

La masticación de los muertos. Theater piece staged by French Director Sébastien Lange in Mexico, 2015. Original title: La mastication des morts by Patrick Kermann. Genre: Prose.

Pruebas ocultas. Bonobos Editores, 2015. Original title: Hidden Proofs by Bill Mohr. Genre: Poetry.

La familia Cardinal. AUIEO Ediciones, 2013. Original title: La famille Cardinal by Ludovic Halévy. Genre: Prose.

La escritura como cuchillo. Ardiente Paciencia, 2013. Original title: L'écriture comme un couteau by Annie Ernaux, Frédéric-Yves Jeannet. Genre: Prose.

Papeles Mexicanos. Ardiente Paciencia, 2012. Original title: Selection of texts compiled in Michel Butor's Transit series by Michel Butor. Genre: Prose.

Sini Silveri: Three poems / Tres poemas. and, 2020. Original title: Selection of poems from Titaanidisko (Poesia, 2020) by Sini Silveri. Genre: Poetry.

Kati Neuvonen: Five poems. and, 2020. Original title: Selection of poems from Naku (Poesia, 2009) by Kati Neuvonen. Genre: Poetry.

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