Stefan Pluschkat


Mother tongue


Translates from

Finland Swedish

Translates to


Other language skills



Academic degree

B.A., Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2007 (Comparative Literature/Philosophy)


Interests and specialisation

Fiction, Prose, Poetry, Drama, Literature for children and young people, Comics

List of translations

Gesammelte Werke. mare Verlag, 2021. Original title: Samlade Verk by Lydia Sandgren. Genre: Prose. with Karl-Ludwig Wetzig

Warten auf Wind. Hummelburg Verlag, 2021. Original title: Vänta på vind by Oskar Kroon. Genre: Literature for children and young people.

Das neue Herz. Hoffmann und Campe, 2021. Original title: Köttets tid by Lina Wolff. Genre: Prose.

Zwischen und tausend Bilder. Thienemann Verlag, 2021. Original title: Dette er ikke oss by Neda Alaei. Genre: Literature for children and young people.

Now translating

Lina Nordquist: "Dit du går, följer jag"

I will be pleased to write reader’s reports.

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