Sophie Kuiper


Mother tongue


Translates from

Finnish, Finland Swedish

Translates to


Other language skills

English, French, German


Academic degree

Master's, Stockholms universitet, 2011 (Finnish as a second language)

Additional subject-specific studies

2004: Bachelor's degree: Finnish language and culture, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, the Netherlands

2013-2015: Masterclass Finnish-Dutch: mentoring program, FILI – Finnish Literature Exchange

2013: Literary translation seminar: two-week seminar in Helsinki, organized by FILI – Finnish Literature Exchange


Interests and specialisation

Fiction, Prose, Literature for children and young people, Comics, Crime/detective, Fantasy & science fiction, Non-fiction

List of translations

Spoorloos. Clavis, 2013. Original title: Jäljellä by Salla Simukka. Genre: Literature for children and young people.

Een andere wereld. Clavis, 2013. Original title: Toisaalla by Salla Simukka. Genre: Literature for children and young people.

Rood als bloed. Clavis, 2014. Original title: Punainen kuin veri by Salla Simukka. Genre: Literature for children and young people.

Wit als sneeuw. Clavis, 2014. Original title: Valkea kuin lumi by Salla Simukka. Genre: Literature for children and young people.

Zwart als ebbenhout. Clavis, 2014. Original title: Musta kuin eebenpuu by Salla Simukka. Genre: Literature for children and young people.

Een bundel haarspelden. Ambo/Anthos, 2014. Original title: Stalinin lehmät by Sofi Oksanen. Genre: Prose.

Waar vier wegen samenkomen. Prometheus, 2015. Original title: Neljäntienristeys by Tommi Kinnunen. Genre: Prose.

Jongen. Middernacht Pers, 2016. Original title: Poika by Marja Björk. Genre: Literature for children and young people.

Norma. Prometheus, 2016. Original title: Norma by Sofi Oksanen. Genre: Prose.

Het licht achter de ogen. Prometheus, 2017. Original title: Lopotti by Tommi Kinnunen. Genre: Prose.

Zusjesland. Clavis, 2017. Original title: Sisarla by Salla Simukka. Genre: Literature for children and young people.

Boet de beer. Gottmer, 2017. Original title: Mur, eli karhu by Kaisa Happonen, Anne Vasko. Genre: Children’s picture books.

Kepler62 1: De uitnodiging. Clavis, 2018. Original title: Kepler62 1: Kutsu by Timo Parvela, Pasi Pitkänen. Genre: Literature for children and young people.

Vlechtjes maken. Clavis, 2018. Original title: Isin ja tyttöjen lettikirja: bileet! by Matti Airola. Genre: Non-fiction.

Familie. Ambo/Anthos, 2015. Original title: Vinterkriget – en äktenskapsroman by Philip Teir. Genre: Prose.

Maresi. Clavis, 2016. Original title: Maresi by Maria Turtschaninoff. Genre: Literature for children and young people.

Naondel. Clavis, 2017. Original title: Naondel by Maria Turtschaninoff. Genre: Literature for children and young people.

Kepler62 3: De reis. Clavis Uitgeverij, 2019. Original title: Kepler62: Matka by Timo Parvela, Pasi Pitkänen. Genre: Literature for children and young people.

De hemelproef. Mozaïek, 2021. Original title: Taivaanpallo by Olli Jalonen. Genre: Prose.

Mijn vriendin Natalia. De Bezige Bij, 2020. Original title: Ystäväni Natalia by Laura Lindstedt. Genre: Prose.

Als de koning sterft. Cargo, 2021. Original title: Kun kuningas kuolee by Elina Backman. Genre: Prose.

Land van sneeuw en as. Meridiaan Uitgevers, 2022. Original title: Tuhkaan piirretty maa by Petra Rautiainen. Genre: Prose.

Dingen die uit de hemel vallen. Alfabet, 2023. Original title: Taivaalta tippuvat asiat by Selja Ahava. Genre: Prose.

Schaduw - deel 1. Condor, 2023. Original title: Varjot - helähdys by Timo Parvela, Pasi Pitkänen. Genre: Literature for children and young people.

Als het spoor doodloopt. Cargo, 2022. Original title: Kun jäljet katoavat by Elina Backman. Genre: Prose.

Schemerwoud. De Eenhoorn, 2023. Original title: Mur ja metsän ilta by Kaisa Happonen, Anne Vasko. Genre: Literature for children and young people.

Schaduw - deel 2: Het land Auroria. Condor, 2024. Original title: Varjot 2. Auroria by Timo Parvela, Pasi Pitkänen. Genre: Literature for children and young people.

Now translating

Maaret Kallio: Mielenrauha

I will be pleased to write reader’s reports.

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Päivitetty: 7.1.2025