Contact info
- Residence
- Website
- Mother tongue
- Translates from
- Translates to
- Other language skills
English, Spanish
- Academic degree
Master of Arts, University of Helsinki, 2016 (Comparative literature)
- Additional subject-specific studies
PhD student in the Doctoral Programme of Philosophy, Arts and Society in the University of Helsinki since 2020, research interest in Modern Greek literature.
- Interests and specialisation
Fiction, Prose, Poetry, Drama, Literature for children and young people, Comics, Crime/detective, Non-fiction
- List of translations
Το τραγούδι της μικρής Μάτελι. Kalendis Publications, 2021. Original title: Pikku-Matelin laulu by Ville Hytönen. Genre: Literature for children and young people.
Vostok. Enostone Kustannus, 2019. Original title: Vostok by Lasse Hauerwaas. Genre: Poetry.
Η διαίσθηση και τα συναισθήματα στην καρδιά της διαχείρισης. Papazisis Publications, 2019. Original title: Intuitio ja tunteet johtamisen ytimessä by Eveliina Salonen. Genre: Non-fiction.
Μπούχαχα, το μαγαζάκι της τρομάρας. Η φοβερή φαγουρόσκονη. Dioptra, 2021. Original title: Painajaispuoti ja kamala kutituspulveri by Hai, Magdalena. Genre: Prose.
Μπούχαχα, το μαγαζάκι της τρομάρας. Τα χαμένα δόντια. Dioptra, 2022. Original title: Painajaispuoti. Hampaat hukassa by Hai, Magdalena. Genre: Prose.
Ράδιο Ποπόφ. Psichogios, 2022. Original title: Radio Popov by Portin, Anja. Genre: Prose. Co-op. with Maria Martzoukou
Παράγων λαγός. Psichogios, 2022. Original title: Jäniskerroin by Tuomainen, Antti. Genre: Prose. Co-op. with Maria Martzoukou
Μπούχαχα, το μαγαζάκι της τρομάρας. Το τρομερό Γέτι. Dioptra, 2022. Original title: Painajaispuoti. Hirmuinen jumimies by Hai, Magdalena. Genre: Prose. Co-op. with Maria Martzoukou
Πού είμαστε;. Kleidarithmos, 2022. Original title: Pikkutieto. Missä sinä olet? by Ertimo, Laura. Genre: Prose.
Δίκτυο. Livanis, 2022. Original title: Pahan verkko by Seeck, Max. Genre: Prose.
Ματωμένη πεταλούδα. Psichogios, 2023. Original title: Terapiassa by Kaukonen, Martta. Genre: Prose. Co-op. with Maria Martzoukou
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