Murat Özsoy


Mother tongue


Translates from

Finland Swedish

Translates to


Other language skills

English, Swedish


Academic degree

MSc MASTER of SCIENCE, Linköping University - SWEDEN, 1986 (Computer Science and Technology)

Additional subject-specific studies

-A Seminar on Turkish and the Art of Translation at Stockholm University, 2006
- From Vittula to the Bosphoros. Panel on Swedish literature in Turkey, 2006
- Problems in Translation from Swedish to Turkish
Murat Özsoy, Bilkent University, 2006
- International Tour Guidance, 1995


Interests and specialisation

Fiction, Prose, Drama, Literature for children and young people, Comics, Crime/detective, Non-fiction, Art, History, Literature, Mathematics, Philosophy, Photography and movies

List of translations

DÜŞÜN BAKALIM - Genç Filozoflar İçin Bir İlham Kaynağı. Ayrıntı Dinozor Çocuk, 2018. Original title: TÄNK SJÄLV! (En Inspirationsbok För Unga Filosofer by Peter Ekberg. Genre: Literature for children and young people.

Kaya, Taş ve Kum - Taş Dedektiflerinin El Kitabı. Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 2006. Original title: KLIPPA STEN & SAND by Åsa Lind. Genre: Literature for children and young people.

MATEMATİĞİN ANLAMI - Sayılarla Model Kurmak. Pegasus, 2019. Original title: MATTE MED MENING, Tänka Tal och Söka Mönster by Kristin Dahl. Genre: Literature for children and young people.

Sahi Nedir Faşizm?. Ginko, 2019. Original title: VAD ÄR EGENTLIGEN FASCISM? by Lena Berggren. Genre: Comics.

Ateşin Gizi. Yerdeniz, 2004. Original title: ELDENS HEMLIGHET by Henning Mankell. Genre: Literature for children and young people.

Matematik Oynayalım mı?. Pegasus, 2019. Original title: SKA VI LEKA MATTE? by Kristin Dahl. Genre: Literature for children and young people.

Kareler, Hiyeroglifler ve Akıllı Kartlar . Pegasus, 2019. Original title: KVADRATER, HIEROGLYFER OCH SMARTA KORT by Kristin Dahl. Genre: Literature for children and young people.

Eğlenerek Matematik. Pegasus, 2019. Original title: KUL MED MATTE by Kristin Dahl. Genre: Literature for children and young people.

Now translating


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Sample translations

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